Friday, January 30, 2009


I'm screaming for you to go look at this very cool website. If you put "good music, good books, and good movies" (or at least one of them) in your interests section on facebook, then you should G-O, GO visit it like N-O-W, NOW!

Just to tell, it's the official website of Paste Magazine - a sensational magazine my host parents introduced me to, which gives you sampler CD of their selected musicians, every month. Oh how I wish to be able to subscribe it! (But you can! It's not like it's expensive or anything. The problem to me is it'll be too much work to convince my parents to support me on this.)

But hey, the website alone will take you to a wonderland. It gives you links to every cool videos on youtube, peeks to every legit musicians you have never heard before, lists of good books for the month.... everything! It won't be anything like "the thrill of the first try" at all, trust me.

P.S.: it's just a biased recommendation. Just so you know, it's not something mainstream. You'll get it if you know me ;p

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dear Jason,

I just now purchased the ticket to your show in Jakarta on March 6th. It cost me a whole lot of money, you know, for I don't make my own just yet. So, since the ticket is not refundable, you'd better be really coming. I don't want to hear any single excuse: I know you are too free-spirited to obey that travel warning your country will possibly issue in between times, and too smart to realize that flood in the city of Jakarta wouldn't do you any harm. I'm happily skipping any classes I will be having on that Friday, so yeah.. I'm memorizing your lyrics, and of course, counting on the days.

Yours sincerely,


Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Happy the 7th Day of the Year 2009!

Not wanting to keep my undies tragedy top story, I will make myself so yesterday to wish you a happy new year!

Holiday's been fun for me. Hope yours are too!

A Tale of the Undies

“A Bitter Lesson of How You Can’t Conquer Bad Luck(s)”

This particular happening is not recent - happened on, rrr, December 23rd I think. And before going to the actual story, I just want to say that this is really about my experience involving, literally, undies – panties and bras. Please don’t assume that I’m one of those people who randomly blurt about their most personal belongings, no, it’s just… I’m just so overwhelmed with these bad lucks I was simultaneously having that I thought it would be fun to treat this blog as my waste bin. So please, don’t get me wrong.

So, it happened that I forgot to bring all of my clean undies with me when I made a trip home for this semester break. God knows how much I loathe packing; I always wait until last minutes to pack. So, I guess procrastinators will miss the essentials due to having limited-time pressure. Okaaay, but the thing is, it wouldn’t have been this horrible a miss if the break didn’t last 1.5 months. I have all of my undies I could possibly own in Bandung – only one or two in Jakarta – since it’s Bandung my “home” now for the next 3 years of my university life. I didn’t realize it until I reached kilometer 60 of the freeway ride (out of 130, I’m telling you. So it was impossible to make a detour). My heart dropped to the ground that time when I finally did, knowing exactly how my dear mother at home would react.

When I told her right after I made my first step in, she couldn’t really hide her shade of disappointment on her face by bitter smile. She had thought this young woman of hers had all grown up lady-like: responsible to her life and all, but it turned out that she had been all wrong, for the sake of underwear. I knew she wouldn’t make it easy for me having made that small but fatal error, and I was right. My mom only allowed me to shop for brand new undies at Giant Department Store, the closest retail store from home. No malls, no outlets, only the cheap-y Giant products all I deserved. To make things worse, I wasn’t allowed to get companies there, so I ended up undies-shopping all by myself. It was like, the most humiliating thing, ever.

I went to Giant around 7 PM by angkot on that very night (it wasn’t a long trip at all, so my mom let me take such public transport at that time of day like that). As you may be aware, the main commodities Giant sells are groceries. I almost had this panic attack, fearing they don’t sell clothing stuff. I wandered around the building in search for the section (felt too humiliated to ask) and finally I found it: a rack with minimum selection of undies for woman, and My Lord, they were on sale. Low quality products were on sale? Yeah right. Knowing that it was the only chance I got, I started picking and grabbing some very quickly, and rushed to the cashier (no need to say, avoided all kinds of eye-contact with anyone). I needed to ask the girl behind the counter to double pack my things, since their plastic bags were designed transparent. I didn’t want to expose them to all other passenger in the angkot-ride home, did I?

I arrived home and felt rather relieved before I was reminded that in the morning was my flight to Semarang. Yes, off to Semarang I would fill my first week of my break. That meant I would have to wash my brand new undies I wasn’t really proud of, right at that second, so they would dry off just in time before I leave to the airport. I only prayed it wouldn’t rain that night. Yes, my mom wouldn’t have been meaner: no washing machine involved! I was allowed to receive some help though, from my housekeeper. She washed the whole thing, and I asked her to hang the washed undies up on the rooftop of the house, so the wind would crisp them out and I could pack them on my suitcase last minutes before leaving. And then I went to bed peacefully, thinking everything was all set under my control.

Around 3 AM, I was woken by a real nightmare; there was sound of raindrops. I jumped out of the bed and woke my house keeper; together we evacuated my now soaked undies. We re-washed them again real quick and thank goodness I was given this idea I had wished I had had much earlier: exposing them to the standing fan. Like I was blinded earlier. Like I was a fool. Like I was so panic I couldn’t think straight. What a perfect solution t was. I arranged my undies in some ways so they would be exposed by the wind standing fan produced. I flipped the head of the fan in certain angle so the wind would go straight to the undies. Then I went back to bed peacefully, for the second time.

Voila! In the morning at around 7, I found them all ironed – my mom did it. Then I packed them to my stuffed suitcase, then off to Semarang I left.

So that was it: the whole story of my series of unfortunate events. Like Lemony Snicketts’, it has a happy ending too =)