Friday, January 30, 2009


I'm screaming for you to go look at this very cool website. If you put "good music, good books, and good movies" (or at least one of them) in your interests section on facebook, then you should G-O, GO visit it like N-O-W, NOW!

Just to tell, it's the official website of Paste Magazine - a sensational magazine my host parents introduced me to, which gives you sampler CD of their selected musicians, every month. Oh how I wish to be able to subscribe it! (But you can! It's not like it's expensive or anything. The problem to me is it'll be too much work to convince my parents to support me on this.)

But hey, the website alone will take you to a wonderland. It gives you links to every cool videos on youtube, peeks to every legit musicians you have never heard before, lists of good books for the month.... everything! It won't be anything like "the thrill of the first try" at all, trust me.

P.S.: it's just a biased recommendation. Just so you know, it's not something mainstream. You'll get it if you know me ;p

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