Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Lesson to Learn

I remember watching an episode of season 2's Grey's Anatomy when Meredith Grey refused to get out of the house in the morning to go to work because she felt uneasy. Her intuition whispered 'something' to her indeed, as it turned out that there were life-threatening case in the hospital which almost took her life. That's pretty much what I had today. Not as hardcore as life-threatening, perhaps, but it was definitely a tough day.

I started my day non smoothly; I was too tired to get up. My two close friends' birthdays were today, and we had this surprise party for them very early in the morning. Ended up I went to bed at 2.30 a.m. while I had class at 7. 4 hours of sleep? Just imagine..

I almost trailed myself well through this day though, (by napping during lectures, I'm just saying) until I was informed my math mid-term test result. I was the most heart broken. I got 79 out of 100, a B still, but what hit me the hardest was the fact that I was so sure about getting at least 90, an A. I had studied all the things, I had had enough sleep, I had eaten my breakfast, I could solve all problems without any major difficulties.. It all went perfectly okay (I wouldn't have expected to get an A like that if I wasn't so sure, you know) but reality cheats! I couldn't hide my disappointment that I felt the urge to punch somebody on the eye right then, right there (okay, that sounded really scary, I know). But it was that horrible though, the feeling. I cursed and everything, but none helped.

Sampai saat Pak Dosen bilang, "Ayolah jangan liat ke belakang kelamaan. Toh yang udah terjadi gak akan bisa di-undo. Sekarang gimana caranya biar 3 bulan ke depan belajar yang efektif, jadi UAS-nya bisa bagus." Ya kira-kira begitu lah..

It stroke me, and my heart chilled. He's darn right.

I went home and called my mom, chit-chatted for a bit as usual, then I promised her to try to do better next time. It's all I can do, right?

Oh iya, selamat Hari Sumpah Pemuda semuanya!

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