Thursday, October 30, 2008

Too Little of A Good Thing

a smile you mean from the heart
a genial reception you do not make up
a covert bad-moodness
a nimble mind in pandemonium
an unfeigned enthusiasm
an honest opinion
a less tangy critics
an opportunity to proof wrong
an unconditional support
a less snobbish,
a less volatile,
a less fussy,
a less whiny of a personality
a less unnecessary reaction
a less childish thought
a tighter bond
a deeper empathy
a crystallized sense of togetherness
a mother's pacifying tone
a good joke that cracks your stomach
a lame conversation
a chance to take a break
a moment to be let taken aback
a help when you are in need
a piece of silence
a shoulder to cry on
a sanctuary to fall on from deep thinking
a productive day
a considerable self-improvement
an ability to say no thank you
a gut to stand behind what you believe
a poised of a manner
a graceful of a gesture
a strength to keep on persistent
a person you can count on
a more creative work
a less of a business
a good teacher
a sacrifice you are willing to make
a dignity to stay white among blacks
a less of a regret
a lighter head
an affectionate relationship
a loyal companionship
a tendency to always think positively
a full recovery
a delicate whisper right to your ears
a correct guess
an old good friend
a second home
a touch of His hands
a possibility to change mind
a moment of solitude
a good quality of sleep
a decent book with time to read it slowly
a fresh air to inhale deeply
a warmth of a laughter
a stable health
and if it is not too much,
a possibility to posses those things all at once.

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